Allen Pier
Allen Pier is a graduate of Cape Fear High School in Fayetteville. He has an Associate’s degree from the Music Business Institute of Atlanta, and has been a professional musician since his senior year in high school. He has resided in Atlanta and Nashville, and has traveled the country playing all types of music. He is now settled in Stedman, NC, which he has always considered to be “home”, with the love of his life, Shari. He has several irons in the fire, including RIVERMIST. He also praises the Almighty God in the Fayetteville Community Church choir! He is quick to tell you “God comes first, Shari is second, and everything else just fits."
Allen is a multi-instrumentalist including drums, brass, percussion, a little bit of guitar and saxophone, and just enough bass guitar to be dangerous! His main instrument is keyboards and synthesizers, and his vocals are powerful, soulful, and uplifting. He came on board with Rivermist in late 2016, and, according to many, he was the last piece of the puzzle to unlock Rivermist’s full potential. If you walk away from a Rivermist show without feeling good, then you weren’t listening!